Michelle Tarry, Vice President – Corporate Responsibility Elected to International Accord Steering Committee

Michelle Tarry, Vice President – Corporate Responsibility has been elected to the Steering Committee of the International Accord, which works with brands, factories, and workers to create a safer textile and garment industry.

Michelle has been actively involved with the Accord since its establishment in 2013 and was instrumental in AEO’s participation as a founding signatory of the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety. The unprecedented independent, legally binding agreement was created to advance workplace safety and build a safer and healthier ready-made garment industry. AEO subsequently signed the 2021 International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry to continue this vital work. In 2022, AEO also became a signatory to the Pakistan Accord and supports expanding to suppliers in that country.

“Michelle Tarry’s appointment to the Steering Committee of the International Accord demonstrates her leadership and AEO’s commitment to accountability and transparency as we work to promote health and safety across the garment and textile industry,” said Sarah Clarke, Chief Supply Chain Officer. “The trusted relationships we build within the company’s network of suppliers and our active participation with partner organizations is vital to upholding and advancing responsible sourcing practices.”

For more than a decade, Michelle has led AEO’s sustainability and responsible sourcing efforts. She and her team oversee the relationships with AEO’s factory partners, ensuring they meet all requirements for working standards and safety, while moving practices forward to promote women’s equity and give workers a voice.

AEO is dedicated to the highest level of social responsibility and believes in providing ethical, safe and fair working conditions across our supply chain network. We are grateful for Michelle’s expertise and leadership, which has positively impacted the people and communities where AEO’s products are sourced and made.

Learn more about AEO’s commitment to Planet, People and Practices here.