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A Pre-Election Note to Our Associates

Team –

Our AEO family has been there for one another through the challenges of 2020. We have celebrated our successes, taken care of our health and well-being, and we continue to work very hard to make real and lasting change within our company and for future generations.

Tomorrow’s Election Day is a celebration of our great American democracy and I encourage everyone to take the time to vote. This election cycle, just like the past year, has been one unlike any other. Even in typical years, the days following elections can be emotionally charged and can magnify divisions as some celebrate and others are disappointed.

During difficult times we have always inspired others to embrace optimism, take positive actions and lead with purpose. So I am asking all of us to remember this and to lean into AEO’s inclusive culture and our values in the weeks and months ahead.

In the coming week I’d ask you all to please:

The next few days may be difficult, but the world will keep turning and we will still be the same people we are today. As individuals, we’ll continue to stand up for what we believe in. As a company, we’ll continue to provide our customers with the best products and experiences in retail—and we will remain one of the best places to work because of our great culture. Let’s not forget who we are and let’s continue to be compassionate to those around us, even when their views don’t align with our own.

Our incredible TEAMWORK has always been one of AEO’s most important values, and I trust it will remain our strength tomorrow and hereafter.

Be well and stay safe.

Jay Schottenstein

Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

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